969,- €*

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Produktnummer: 1552393

SSD 13"x5.75" BG SDB 2.0 Benny Greb Snare aged Brass shell 1.2 mm with laser-engraved inlay stripe, internal MonoRail damper (2), incl. soft and hard felt damper, Dual Glide strainer

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Produktnummer: 1552393
  • Benny Greb Snare Drum
  • item no. 11173901 - Benny Greb Snare Drum
  • series Signature
  • finish vintage brass, with centered stripe
  • material brass
  • construction brass shell, 1.2mm
  • shell hardware finish chrome plated, vintage lugs
  • item description SSD 13x5.75 BG SDB 2.0
  • diameter 13"
  • depth 5.75"
  • features With MonoRail dampener and Dual Glide strainer
Weitere Artikelnummern: 11173901

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